可液體噴施授粉的獼猴桃合成花粉及其制備方法 Liquid spray pollination formula for kiwifruit pollen 技術(shù)領(lǐng)域 本發(fā)明涉及調(diào)節(jié)劑類激素及其制備方法,尤...
一種新型的獼猴桃花粉烘干、分離、提取裝置 A new type of kiwi pollen drying, separation, and extraction device
獼猴桃花粉處理系統(tǒng) A new type of kiwi pollen drying, separation, and extraction device 技術(shù)領(lǐng)域 本實(shí)用新型屬于農(nóng)用花粉分離設(shè)備領(lǐng)域...
1.獼猴桃花粉制備法,其特征是包括以下步驟: A、雌雄株按照19~21:1的數(shù)量比進(jìn)行配置,雄株為設(shè)施大棚栽培,雌株為大田棚架栽培; B、在雄株進(jìn)入開花期后,進(jìn)行花粉的采集,依次進(jìn)行以下步驟: 摘雄花...
獼猴桃花粉制備法 及獼猴桃花粉濕法授粉法 Wet pollination method for kiwifruit pollen
獼猴桃花粉制備法 及獼猴桃花粉濕法授粉法 Wet pollination method for kiwifruit pollen 最佳時(shí)間 給獼猴桃授粉的最佳時(shí)間是獼猴桃從現(xiàn)蕾到開花,這段時(shí)間大概是3...
獼猴桃人工授粉法及所用的獼猴桃花粉制備法 Artificial pollination method of kiwifruit and preparation method of kiwifruit pollen used
獼猴桃人工授粉法及所用的獼猴桃花粉制備法 Artificial pollination method of kiwifruit and preparation method of kiwifruit ...
由pollenplus開發(fā)的QuadDuster 獼猴桃授粉系統(tǒng)設(shè)備
Pollinating kiwifruit properly is important for yield security. Insufficient pollination of kiwifrui...
濕式授粉方式可以在下雨的天氣給獼猴桃果園完成授粉 Kiwi Pollen Wet Sprayer.
Orchards effectively pollinated will achieve higher yields, better dry matter and an overall higher ...